Saturday, May 28, 2016

Using Apps to Increase Learning in Children with Autism

Children with Autism are some of the smartest children on the planet, although often times they have a hard time expressing themselves. It is hard for autistic children to communicate how they feel, what they want, or even simple expressions. By using specific iPad applications children with autism are developing more proficiently than ever before! They finally have a gateway to express themselves, while also being so engaged in what they are doing they are learning at an alarmingly fast rate. The bright colors and sounds in these apps are attractive to these children, and make them want to pay attention and participate more in what they are doing. Another aspect of autism is that most children take words literally, so even if they are able to figure out words, they often have a hard time comprehending because the words do not make sense to them. I believe that using apps is a fantastic way to increase reading comprehension in these students, and I will definitely have many apps prepared in my classroom for when I do have autistic children in my room. Reading comprehension is a huge part of learning, if the child cannot comprehend what they are reading how can we expect them to learn in any other subject? We have to figure out a way to establish a basis of learning for reading comprehension and these apps are proving to be a sure way of success for these children. This is definitely a way to increase 21st century learning skills in students with Autism and that opens up so many doorways of learning for these special students.

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