Saturday, May 28, 2016

Student Response Systems

 Have you ever noticed that when teachers ask a question only a small percentage of the class volunteers to answer? Most of the time the same group of students will be the ones ready to answer, and the rest of the children sit and wait to hear the response. This is a problem many teachers feel like they can't fix because they don't know how to get all students engaged in the lesson.  A Student Response System (SRS) is a wireless response system that allows teachers to request information, and for students to respond by using a "clicker" or hand-held response pad to send his or her information to a receiver as an answer. This new idea is working so well in classrooms across the country! This system hold every student accountable for giving a response to the question without embarrassing them in front of everyone if the answer is wrong. Using an application such as Plickers or Socrative, the teacher gets immediate feedback to her device which tells her each student and their answer. The information is also displayed on the board for the class to see but does not tell which student gave which response. It shows how the class responded overall, 12 students answering A, 6 students answering C and so forth. I believe students really enjoy this because they feel like they are an important part of the class and they want to get the correct answer so they try harder than before. I would use this concept in my own future classroom because I want all my students to have an equal opportunity to learn, and what better way to insure that than holding them accountable? Every classroom is different, but I believe that there is a student response system designed to incorporate all classrooms. This also gives students an edge on 21st century learning skills because it is incorporated in technology. 


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